Thursday, March 8, 2012

Brave New World Discussion 99-145

What do you learn about the Savage Reservation, John, and Linda? How is all of this significant in relation to the World State? How do feel about the characters and place? What questions do you still have?

1 comment:

  1. In these chapters you are introduced to John and Linda and you learn about the Savage Reservation which is in New Mexico. You learn Indians live on reservation and it is more like the world that we know compared to the World State.Lenina and Bernard are introduced to John here. They notice that he speaks perfect English and he tells them how he wants to be the sacrifice in the ceremony but the people wouldn't let him. John introduces them to his mother Linda and she talks about how she started to live on the reservation. She explains how she got hurt while visiting there and the Indians took her in. Then she explains that something went wrong and she got pregnant and was embarrassed to go back to the World state with a baby and couldn't have an abortion on the reservation.Also she talks about how the women there don't understand ways of the World State and that sometimes she gets beat by them for sleeping with many men.I think this is significant to the relation to the World State because it is the complete opposite of how they do things. Also it show Lenina and Bernard a different life and Lenina has to experience this without her soma because she forgets it in World State. John goes on to say that he always heard his mom talk about the World State. Brenard offers John to come with him back to the World state. While Brenard is talking to the Warden at the reservation trying to get Linda and John cleared to leave, John sneaks into Lenina's cabin. She is sleeping because she takes six half-gramme tablets of soma and john stands there watching her while reciting Shakespeare. He then hears what at first he thinks is a fly but turns out to be a helicopter with Brenard in it and runs and jumps out the window and up the path. I feel that the resevation is normal because this is what I am used to and that John is as close to normal as they get and Lenina and Brenard are missing out on what life is about.

    - Katie
