Wednesday, November 30, 2011

RAFT #3: Vocabulary List

Role: Pretend you are an eleventh Grade English Teacher
Audience: Eleventh Grade English Students
Format: A five-word vocabulary list with word, part of speech, and definition
Topic: Choose five words from your independent reading that you think an eleventh grader likely would not know (or not know well) and that you think would be useful for an eleventh grader to know.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Independent Reading RAFT #1 (Term 2)

Role: Yourself as a book critic
Audience: Your classmates in 2207
Format: An informal talk with notes (the notes will contain your position with supporting reasons and evidence)
Topic: Would you recommend the book (or a book) you have read in independent reading? (Who would you or would you not recommend it to?)

Be prepared (with notes) to talk in class on Thursday, November 10.