Thursday, March 15, 2012

Brave New World 146-216


Choose from these perspectives: John the Savage, Helmholtz Watson, Bernard Marx, Lenina Crowne, the Director (also called the DHC and Tomakin), a Delta  (Khaki-wearing) child in Linda’s room in the Park Lane Hospital for the Dying, a Delta adult waiting for soma at hospital, a policeman who helped subdue the crowd at the soma riot, or another perspective that you think would yield interesting perceptions of John.

Chapter 10 narrating character: ____________________________________
Chapter 11 narrating character: ____________________________________
Chapter 12 narrating character: ____________________________________
Chapter 13 narrating character: ____________________________________
Chapter 14 narrating character: ____________________________________
Chatper 15 narrating character: ____________________________________


Mustapha Mond who wants to know what happened after John got to London and wants to understand why it all happened that way.


The format will be a paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) on the events (and interpretation of the events) in each of the six chapters (chapters 10-15). (When you pass it in on Monday you’ll have six paragraphs and 30+ sentences.) You can write the paragraph as if the character is speaking to Mond or is submitting a report to Mond. (See above.) Each report should include information from the chapter that the narrating character would know and should also include the narrating character’s interpretation of (or reaction to) what happens.   


What happened after John got to London and why? (What does John do? Why does he do it? How does it affect others, especially the narrating characters?) Show that you’ve read and that you’ve understood the significance of what you’ve read.

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